My New Boat!!! What did RB Pick????
Capt. JG wrote:
"Marty" wrote in message
Capt. JG wrote:
"Marty" wrote in message
Capt. Rob wrote:
Of course Gayanzy is jealous. The only time he's seen a woman's
genitalia was when he was born. Not that he's wanted to since!
Ooh, wow, a monumentally mature riposte, worthy of a 12 year old, and
not a very bright one at that.
Now Bob, remind me, who was it made some comment about being an adult?
Don't beat up on BS. He's got his share of problems, which are quite
I'd say more than his share!
Yes, but he's a perfect bonehead. You see that he wins no matter what....
Hmmm, what a revoltin' development..