"Canuck57" wrote in message
I know what McCain stands for: race-baiting, xenophobia, bad judgment,
attacks via innuendo, irrational behavior, ignorance of economics and, of
course, the unregulated free market system.
Fortunately people like you are in the minority. Probably hate women too.
Yeah, people like us who believe in fairness and democracy. You're right.
McCain over Obama, 60/40. Will not be close.
We'll see on Nov. 4th.
Why people don't like Obama:
- wants to spend, spend, spend like a democrat out of control
- ties to Muslims and Islam
- women should take special note about islam, you become sheep.
- new has put his balls on the line for his country
- I need a better reason to want him than he is black (same would be if he
was a woman or white)
- don't like socialism/liberal leftists
- don't want favors going to Clintons
- haven't heard anything enticing
Why people don't like McCain:
- will spend just like McBush or slash programs for the kids, the troops,
and anyone else. Promised to cut defense spending, e.g., Army, Marines,
Airforce, but not the Navy. LOL
- ties to right-wingnuts who think it's ok to kill people who don't believe
as they do.
- women should take note of right-wingnuts who profess to want to keep gov't
out of their business, except when it comes to their health and safety.
- got shot down and tortured and now feels entitled to be President since he
couldn't cut it in the military and would never make admiral.
- I need a better reason to vote for him than he's cheated on his wife
multiple times before he voted for large-breasted woman with money and beer.
- don't like socialism/liberal leftists who claim they're right-wing fiscal
-don't want favors going to big oil and his banking buddies like Keating.
-haven't heard anything of substance, except about his hair transplant
"j" ganz @@