On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 21:56:09 -0400, Hugh Morris wrote:
Boater wrote:
My name appeared on at least three dozen news
releases, I organized and held a dozen news conferences, my name
appeared as editor of the company magazine, and so on and so forth.
Almost every labor reporter and business news reporter in Washington
knew my name for a while, and so did about 300 major news outlet
reporters around the country who were on my call or mail list. Yeah, it
was a big secret. But only to an idiot like you.
Funny. Never heard of you for being so famous, well known and all that.
When did you begin writing for as a career?
It's hard to believe you knew not that we have a self-acclaimed hero in our
midst. Among Krause's many self-proclaimed accomplishments:
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Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have.
Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice.
Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have.
Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have.
Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have.
Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat
under your command? I have.
My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in
winter in a 22' boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible,
even the fuel. Got a "fireboat" welcome in NYC.
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This is not to mention his prowess with posting the well-taken photographs
of others and pretending they are his own.
He is truly a hero to some.