mmc wrote:
"Jim" wrote in message
mmc wrote:
"Jim" wrote in message
Well, not exactly. Barry fans need to see the truth.
Here's the deal, keep your religion out of my government and I'll keep my
government out of your religion.
It's not my religion. It's not your government. No deal.
Well Jim, as an American I do lay claim to the government. So either you're
not from here or don't understand the concept. The government is supposed to
work for us, we put the political leaders in office and we pay for it, so
yes, it does belong to us. Our politicians represent us- it's called
Our biggest problem is we don't pay attention to what the government does in
our name and FAR too many of us are too willing to follow along blindly and
allow corrupt trash to remain in office for decades because it's what our
Party tells us is best.
Blind loyalty to your Party is a lot like religion- follow along blindly and
don't ask questions, cause the only proof you're likely to find, if you're
super lucky, may be a likeness of Jesus in your grilled cheese sandwich.
If I were you I would be ashamed to claim government yours, in its
current condition. Be wary of his agenda. Little is known about the man
and what we do know should make middle class America cringe at the
thought of that guy as our president. Can we count on your vote for John
McCain? He wants to try to fix The U.S. Government. Barry wants to grow
the government and spread political corruption and greed. Also 95% of
congress needs to be fired. I'll allow for 5% of them being honest and
representing the people that elected them. Eliminate pork or earmarks or
what ever you want to call it. There should be laws against the practice.
Thank you for your time and
God bless America