Why the Herrings, Florida Jims, DKs and the rest...
On Oct 14, 8:37 pm, Boater wrote:
...of the toilet turds are so angry these days:
"Poll Finds Attacks by McCain Turn Off Voters
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NY Times
Published: October 14, 2008
The McCain campaign’s recent angry tone and sharply personal attacks on
Senator Barack Obama appear to have backfired and tarnished Senator John
McCain more than their intended target, the latest New York Times/CBS
News poll has found.
After several weeks in which the McCain campaign unleashed a series of
strong political attacks on Mr. Obama, trying to tie him to a former
1960s radical, among other things, the poll found that more voters see
Mr. McCain as waging a negative campaign than Mr. Obama. Six in 10
voters surveyed said that Mr. McCain had spent more time attacking Mr.
Obama than explaining what he would do as president; by about the same
number, voters said Mr. Obama was spending more of his time explaining
than attacking.
Over all, the poll found that if the election were held today, 53
percent of those determined to be probable voters said that they would
vote for Mr. Obama and 39 percent said they would vote for Mr. McCain.
- - -
Now, 53 to 39 means this is somewhat of an outlier, but it still
indicates the trend, which, 21 days from an election, is a nice indicator..
Yep...the conservatrashers seem headed for a flush...big time.
Whoa, another angry rant by a conservative. Those conservatives just
cannot stop the OT stuff can they?