Why the Herrings, Florida Jims, DKs and the rest...
Jim wrote:
Boater wrote:
What are you disagreeing with here? The fact that the conservatrash
inflicted horrors on our country the last eight years or that you are
If you care as much as you say you do, why don't you get active in
politics and try to make a difference instead of flapping your gums ad
nauseum to such a small audience who doesn't really care what you think.
Get a life.
Why don't you get some couth, some manners, some compassion for your
fellow man? Why do you want to go through life being...well...trash?
Oh, I am *involved* in politics, up to my ears. And in projects aimed at
improving the life of impoverished people around the world. What you
don't realize is that I am an expert multi-tasker. Right now, among
other things, I am drafting the "in English" portion of a red herring
prospectus for a fund that will be introducing a product right after the
first of the year that will have some impact on the low-income housing
That certainly beats what you do, right, chief? I mean, cleaning
sparkplugs on lawnmowers isn't that cerebral.