Why the Herrings, Florida Jims, DKs and the rest...
Jim wrote:
Boater wrote:
Jim wrote:
Boater wrote:
Why don't you get some couth, some manners, some compassion for your
fellow man? Why do you want to go through life being...well...trash?
What would such an unrefind a*hole as yourself know about such things.
Well, for one thing, I wouldn't hang around in person or on the
internet with a *nekulturny* like you. That's one of the things I do
to avoid trash like you.
Well! I'm here. You're here. We're hanging out on the internet together.
Wouldn't you say. Sorry to burst your bubble. Savor a little nekulturny
with your borscht this evening. It's so who you are. You have displayed
it here daily for the past 10 years or so. Za Vas!
I'm afraid you have it wrong. You're sort of like the dog**** one sees
on the sidewalk, makes a comment about, and then steps over. You do
realize that if you weren't so obsessed with me, and mentioning me in
most of your posts, I'd just ignore you. I can't recall a single post of
yours, on or off topic, that intrigued me even slightly. You're just
another Justwaitaloogy.