Joe the plumber
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
Seriously, I cannot tell the difference between Palin and Tina Fey. I'm
sure the SNL crowd will be kind to Palin...they usually are to guests.
Fey does an incredible job. CNN has a clip showing them both speaking in
split screen. The first time I saw it, I had a hard time determining who
the "real" Palin was.
Palin is a ditz. If American voters take her seriously, they ought to be
You just identified your weakness. Airhead or not, many, many American
voters like her and find her personality and politics refreshing. Question
is, "How many?"
I suppose it is a weakness. I like national political leaders to be
smart and knowledgeable . Brilliance is not necessary, perhaps not even
desired, but smart and knowledgeable are. Palin is neither. The fact
that many Americans like her is fine, but that they "like her" for the
vice presidency is *not* fine.
Moving away from Palin for the moment, the "rumor" is that Colin Powell
will endorse Obama tomorrow on "Meet the Press." I'd be surprised if he
endorses anyone but, even if he does, I wonder if his endorsement
carries any water anywhere. It seems to me that political endorsements,
like newspaper endorsements, don't mean much, if they ever did.