Colin Powell Endorses...
Eisboch wrote:
"Eisboch" wrote in message
wrote in message
Powell says he was against the war from day one, that was a lie.
Not quite. What he said was that he was initially against going to war,
as was GWB, but when working through the UN didn't work out and Bush made
the decision to pull the trigger, he supported that decision.
He also acknowledged that the intitial objectives of the war were
accomplished quickly and successfully.
He added that the error of the war was in not understanding the chain of
events after Saddam and his government fell from power, and also suggested
that if the "surge" had been implemented earlier, the war may have ended
Lastly, he stated that the situation in Iraq appears to be stabilizing and
can see a not to distant recall of American troops.
His endorsement of Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the Iraq war.
I forgot to add: With regard to the war in Iraq, Powell's observations are
identical to McCain's.
Interesting, huh?
More interesting was what Powell said about McCain's indecisiveness, his
choice of Palin, and his outrageously negative campaign.