I'm glad fuel prices are dropping.
"Keith nuttle" wrote in message
JohnH wrote:
On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 21:00:54 -0400, Wayne.B
On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 22:56:39 GMT, JohnH wrote:
Funny how it was Bush's fault when gas prices went up, but I don't hear
lot of praise for him as prices go down.
If we did that we'd have to praise him for the financial crisis as
well. I don't think so.
Well, he was blamed when the demand was high. He got the demand lowered.
Seems like the silver lining, wouldn't you say?
If this financial criss was caused by President Bush why did the market
start to go down at the end of nancy pelosi 100 days when she said she was
going to change the world but did nothing. The congress has been warned
for years that they must do something about the mortgage mess that bill
clinton created when he demanded the industry provide loans to deadbeats.
polisi and the other old line democrats blocked every attempt to review
the regulations.
Now obama is spending nearly 1 BILLION DOLLARS to buy this election to
give us more of the old socialistic ideas that historically have failed
and made things worse. Has anyone wonder who is contributing all of that
money. I don't suppose it is coming from the many terrorist groups that
would love to see America destroyed.
It was caused by a liberal-democrat congress letting the banks leverage too
far. The reason they did this was to keep the interests lower than market
values, thus a steady and real lack of investment has been occurring in the
loan market. In essence the fed now owns mortgage and debt loan. I expect
bonds, debentures are next. Which is really what the liquidity issue is
really about, a shortage of people lending money at obscenely low rates.
Oh, there are plenty who will loan at market rates, but the return rate
inverted to inflation is a negative yield.
If I loan money in today's market I expect inflation, plus risk, plus a
small profit including taxes payable on the earnings. This would
necessitate a yield of greater than 10%!!! But the congress and fed to the
rescue, they let banks leverage out of control. Congress lends a $1 at
prime, the next bank lends out $25, and then lends to another banks at
$625....a big congress/fed run pyramid scheme if you will.
Then the bubble fiat money created broke. And now the perpetrators pick on
a lame duck president just show how shallow they really think. As the
problem is still with us and $800 billion later no where in sight of being
Be prepared for a long recession, maybe a depression. And note how the
markets drop when they "spend" and "print" money to cover, you can't pay
debt with more debt as it comes back as higher taxes, more inflation and
higher unemployment. The market is smarter than fast talking BS from
Congress and the now puppet Bush. Creditors want to be paid not taxed and
Now you might ask why government is creating money like a mad drunk. Other
countries have tried this and all have failed, but they will try anyway.
Printing money causes inflation. If you buy a home with little down, say
$250,000. Then it goes down to say $200,000 you are tempted to walk and let
the bank/taxpayer eat it.
But what if I caused inflation at say 30% per year!! That $200.000 will
appreciate in numerical value as the currency runs down. Then becomes worth
$260,000, then $320,000 and soon people are motivated to keep their payments
up and problem solved.
But some dumb fool forgot commodity prices go up as the dollar depreciates.
$20 barrel of oil becomes $50 goes to $100 to peek at $140 before it
recessionary prices back to $80. Don't worry, the full currency dilution
hasn't been felt yet. Look to $150 barrel inside of 2 years.
Amazing how debtors think more debt is the answer. Like a heroin junky,
push a little more each time until the user is dead of an OD.