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Boater Boater is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2008
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Default I'm glad fuel prices are dropping.

Eisboch wrote:
"Eisboch" wrote in message
To briefly interrupt the mud slinging and insults, here's an interesting
take on oil prices:



For some reason, the tinyurl doesn't work. Use the full URL.


Thanks...I read through your URL and found it interesting, if amusing.
Nothing in it "unconvinced" me that the supplies and prices of oil
generally have anything to do with anything but speculation and
manipulation. Obviously, a severe storm in the Gulf of Mexico may have a
short-term impact on supply, but beyond those sorts of catastrophic
events, supply and prices are the result of a bunch of guys "fixing" the
race. If the price drops sharply, as it has recently, it is because "Big
Oil" and their buddies in Saudia Arabia have decided it should for any
number of reasons, sometimes even "political."

Oil pricing is a fraud. We just fall for it, that's all.