New Obama Lead
Tim wrote:
On Oct 21, 3:20 am, "Eisboch" wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
Eisboch wrote:
Democrat pundits today are gleefully talking about Obama's 5-6 point lead
over McCain.
Only problem is, two weeks ago they were boasting of Obama's double digit
Is there "change" in the air?
The average poll difference a couple of weeks ago was five to eight
points. Today, it is five to seven points, on the average. Perhaps the
McPalin negativity is having an impact on the weak-minded GOP base?
If you want a more realistic snapshot, take a look at the average of polls
in the "swing states." At the moment, all the swing states are state the
Republicans took in 2000 or 2004. McPalin is behind in most of these state
polls. I believe he has to carry all the GOP swing states to win the
election. Anything is possible, but the odds are strongly against him. All
Obama has to do to win the election is hang onto the blue states and carry
one of the larger red "swing" states. That will give him 270 electoral
votes. Game over.
If I were to bet, it would be on an Obama victory. However, I agree, the
election is now his to lose.
I think the McCain camp is going to chip away at Obama's lead over the next
couple of weeks. How much is questionable.
On the other hand, the media is predicting a record turnout this election
cycle. I suspect that bodes well for Obama.
It's either going to be a blow-out or it's going to be very, very close.
Amazing, when you consider all the BS being presented by both parties.
Mac has a lead in a couple states as of yesterday. Ohio being one.
You think the McPalin Campaign of Hate and Division is going to carry
Ohio again?