RNC Buys Sarah $150K Wardrobe
On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 18:52:24 -0400, JimH wrote:
Why the libs are making a deal of Sarah's experience is beyond me
considering that she has more executive experience than Nobama
has.......and Nobama is the one running at the top of the ticket.
I'm not a lib, and I liked Sarah's "coming out" speech.
I saw her positive values, and was willing to give her a chance.
Thought McCain might have struck a brilliant stroke.
She had her chance to say something intelligent, and show she
can actually think.
She can't.
Nothing but the same bull**** talking points over and over and over
and over and over.
She's basically brain dead in regards to thinking and being a problem
And I think McCain is too. Same old bull**** over and over and over.
Too bad.
Republicans might have had a better chance with Huckabee or Romney,
who are both smarter than John "Barry Goldwater" McCain.
I liked Huckabee. Most decent guy of them all.