Robo-calls - PITA
Vic Smith wrote:
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 07:20:43 -0400, "D.Duck" wrote:
We only have the land line for connection to satellite receivers and making
*long* phone calls that would burn excessive cell minutes. You know the
kind, customer *no* service.
Not really, but I've thought of getting something cheaper than the
cost of the phone part of my bundled phone/TV/net Comcast, which
is up to $153 a month with basic cable TV and basic phone.
Think the phone part is over 40 bucks.
The bundle is easy, so inertia keeps me with it.
But I always look at expenses critically, and I think I can do better.
Like you, I need the land line for the long calls.
My wife calls Europe weekly to talk to family and spends a couple
hours on the phone.
Doesn't cost much because she uses a phone card which is 5 bucks for 6
Any recommendation for a cheap land line?
If you had an email posted, I'd tell you how I got my comcast
cable/internet bill lowered by about $80 a month with increased service.