Robo-calls - PITA
On Oct 23, 6:46*am, Boater wrote:
Vic Smith wrote:
Here in Illinois I get one of these about once a month.
Blockbuster telling me rented DVD's are overdue.
One of my kid's BB account. *He didn't change the phone number when he
moved out.
Anybody else getting robo-calls?
Should Hatteras Boats do robo-calls when they have a sale?
Probably won't work. *Just an idea. *A bad idea..
We haven't had an actual "robocall" political call since leaving
Virginia five years ago. We do get some "live" political calls, though.
Nothing really offensive yet this cycle. Last time, though, we had a
real nutcase - a Constitution Party jesusfreak - running against our
incumbent congressman, and the guy's six supporters made some outrageous
and offensive calls to try to drum up support.
Occasionally I'll still get politi-bot calls, but ot often.