Robo-calls - PITA
Tim wrote:
On Oct 23, 6:08 am, Vic Smith wrote:
Here in Illinois I get one of these about once a month.
Blockbuster telling me rented DVD's are overdue.
One of my kid's BB account. He didn't change the phone number when he
moved out.
Anybody else getting robo-calls?
Should Hatteras Boats do robo-calls when they have a sale?
Probably won't work. Just an idea. A bad idea..
I get Robo- calles almost dailey for someone wanting to hook up DISH
Network and also notices that I'm paying too high of interest rate on
a credit card I dont' even own.
Ahh. Dish Network. I had to file a complaint with the State of Maryland
about their damned robocalls.