Spending those Taxpayer Dollars
wrote in message
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:29:13 -0700, Calif Bill wrote:
Our generation will go down as one of the worst at
leaving a world much worse for our passing.
Quite true. I would say, however, the air and water is cleaner now than
when we got it. At least rivers don't catch on fire.
True as to the oils, but overall I think the waters are much worse for us.
There are suppositions that lots of the birth control meds that women take
and the Viagra etc. that the men take plus lots of the medicines that pass
through the body as well as the other chemicals get into the water system,
Affecting the fish reproduction, and maybe a lot of the Autism is caused by
those same chemically laden waters. San Francisco Bay clarity is much
better now than when I was kid fishing Berkeley Pier, but there used to be
huge colonies of mussels and what you see now are small colonies on the