Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
What is it about reich-winger retardos that makes them "think" that "the
left" posts opinions in newsgroups in order to get votes?
Maybe you could enlighten us as to why you do?
BTW .... Biden is living proof that you don't have to be smart to get
through law school.
I think Obama has put a muzzle on him for a while, before he blows the
election for him.
There's a lot about Biden that I have respect for, particularly in
consideration of his personal challenges and losses.
He's basically a decent, down to earth guy, but he's not the brightest
bulb in the house.
I'll bet Caribou Barbie has more natural, God given "smarts".
There's no evidence Caribou Barbie has any smarts.
I've expressed this opinion before, but for your benefit, I'll do it again.
Being naturally "smart" (meaning high IQ) in no way implies success, an
ability to accomplish or to provide leadership.
I've know several people in my life and career who, although brilliant in
their area of expertise, couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time. They
needed the assistance of us not-so-smart people with a degree of common
sense to capitalize on and exploit their "smartness". Few were natural
leaders because they were too consumed with their smartness. They were
capable of analyzing a situation or problem but were mentally powerless in
terms of making a decision in response.
It strikes me that the media has become infatuated with people like Obama
who is obviously intelligent and capable of great mental analysis and
articulation of problems, yet can't make a decision on a course of action as
represented by his number of "present" votes.
I have more confidence in people who may struggle a bit with a concept, but
once identified, have the ability to do something about it.
You need to read up some more on the use of "present votes" in the
Illinois legislature.
As for Ms. Palin, I've watched her very carefully the last month or so.
While she is adept at reading a speech off a teleprompter, and repeating
short Republican talking points, she doesn't really seem to know much of
anything in the policy areas that are important to this country. Far too
often in her "face to face" interviews, she outed herself as a know-nothing.
Further, almost everything in the woman's "story" to date, the story the
Republicans have been touting, has turned out to be complete bull****.
And, to boot, she is ethically challenged in a number of areas and
doesn't even know enough to avoid stepping in steaming piles of moose ****.
She's the sweetie of the evangelicals, though. That's enough to make her
anathema to me.