BAR wrote:
About the left that they think flooding newsgroups and disrupting
folks free expression is going to get them votes? The constant
crossposting and refusal to let anybody have any opposing opinion, or
even a general conversation is indicative of the type of
indoctrination and censorship a democrat president and congress will
bring to our country. It really goes against everything our country
stands for.. The cheating by ACORN, the in the tank media, and the
hideous hate that comes out of the looney left is just sickening..
I suppose the usual suspects will insult me for my opinon, that is
what they seem to stand for. But tolerance and compromise are not
really their strong suit..
Their ideas, the left's, are rejected by 2/3 of the voters when the are
presented objectively. The only way they can get people to vote for them
is to stifle free expression from the right and pull at the emotions of
More crap from two crocks full of it.
McCain has run the most inept and ugliest campaign for the presidency
that I can recall. No one has "stifled" his expressions of hatred and
fear-mongering and in fact all he and that ditzy running mate have done
is appeal to the basest emotions of the basest voters.
I don't know what sort of advantage Obama will have in the popular vote
once the tallies are in, but I have a feeling he is going to do very,
very well in the electoral college totals.
McCain is too old, too out of touch, too bereft of ideas, too close to
Bush, too anti-woman, too much of a flip-flopper and too poor in his
judgment to be president of the United States. He looks and sounds like
a doddering old fool on the campaign trail, and once the public really
got to see his running mate "in action," it realized how totally
unprepared she was for higher office.