JimH wrote:
On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 17:14:45 -0400, Boater
On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 15:48:10 -0400, Boater wrote:
What could be better for Americans than the GOP splitting into two
distinct factions, the moderate to slight right of centers, who might
have a chance of winning national elections in the future, and the
evangelical braindead know-nothings, who will champion Sarah Palin?
I think most of this Palin as rogue, is BS, but if McCain loses, there
will be soul-searching in the Republican Party. If the right-wing of the
Party wins, Republicans will go the way of the Whigs. It's demographics:
The dumbing down of the GOP that accelerated during the evangelical
takeover may have played out.
The party in power at the executive level during this financial
meltdown is sufferer during this election regardless of the fact that
they called for overview reforms with the Fanny's.
The Republicans are therefore the ones being hurt and as I see it this
election will most likely result in the Dems controlling the
Presidency and the Congress....a scary thing if it indeed happens.
A lousy campaign by McCain, combined with the fact that he did not
take public contributions killed him..Obama reneged on his promise not
to do so which resulted in record money to spend on advertising.
It is not over till the fat lady sings and there are a lot of
undecided voters so at least there is still hope.
Yep...there's still more than a week left for McPalin's negative
name-calling and fear-mongering!