H Krause please comment
Boater wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
When I was "of age" for the military, there was nothing happening
that required the homeland to be defended. There was that mess in
Vietnam, but that was a war we perpetuated by taking over from the
French, who got their butts kicked there and left.
Had nothing to do with the USSR, huh?
The Soviet Union was a minor player in the Vietnam War. It supplied a
significant amount of armament and materiel to the North Vietnamese, but
it had a small number of troops in that country. The PRC was a major
player, of course.
Yeah, all of those SA-2's and MIG-15's, MIG-17's and MIG-21's came from
the PRC?
Our insistence on propping up right-wing dictators didn't serve us well
in Cuba, Vietnam, Iran, Panama, Nicaragua or Iraq. The only major
fighting war we've had in a long, long time that made sense was George
H.W. Bush's Gulf War, and only because he had most of the world behind
us. And even that war had unintended bad consequences for us.
Communism has failed every where it has been forced on to the population
at the point of a gun too. I don't see you railing against it.