H Krause please comment
On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 20:25:06 -0400, Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
When I was "of age" for the military, there was nothing happening that
required the homeland to be defended. There was that mess in Vietnam,
but that was a war we perpetuated by taking over from the French, who
got their butts kicked there and left.
Had nothing to do with the USSR, huh?
Very little, it had more to do with us, and our preferences for
imperialists, as opposed to nationalists. More importantly, our anti-
communism was allowed to trump our pro-democracy policies. You do
realize, it was Diem that blocked the elections mandated by the Geneva
Accords? Even Eisenhower had said, that if those elections were held, Ho
Chi Minh would have won 80% of the vote.