UglyDan®©™ wrote:
(Tom Francis - SWSports)wrote
Hand eye coordination is paramount in handling semi-auto hand guns -
you've got a good eye and your wrist and hand do what you tell them to
Twitch reflex also has something to do with it - the higher the twitch
reflex, the more accurate your grouping will be.
For me, semi-auto handguns are a PIA - I have two, but I much prefer a
revolver - limited rounds, but I'm much more accurate with a revolver
than a semi-auto.
Back when I carried a Navy 1911 .45 - you didn't want to be near the
practice range when I was around. :)
I know what you mean, I get a bit twitchy now and then myself.
Not bad at all. Are you wearing ear protection? Hard to tell from the
I kinda like this one: