On Oct 27, 1:59*pm, Boater wrote:
SmallBoats.com wrote:
Here is a link from Microsoft explaining about why it's media player
does not play MPEG2 videos without extra software. If you computer came
preloaded with Roxio, or Intervideo you may not be aware of the problems
as the extra codecs are loaded with them. If you load windows clean and
stock your DVD Player does not automatically play these files. On the
Microsoft site there are 4 links in particular where you can get the
extra codecs, but note, none of them are free...
So, if anyone is interested in learning about these issues here is the
paragraph, and the link:
Here is the link:
And here is a clip of the paragraph:
However, MPEG-1 system streams do not exclusively use the .mpg and .mpeg
extensions. MPEG-2 program streams also frequently use .mpg and .mpeg
file extensions, but they contain MPEG-2-encoded video. Because
Microsoft Windows operating systems provide only an MPEG-1 video
decoder, Windows Media Player cannot play MPEG-2 program streams without
an additional MPEG-2 video decoder (also known as a DVD decoder pack)
installed. For more information about purchasing DVD decoder packs,
visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Rowdy Mouse Racing, in case some of you weren't paying attention...
Crikey, all manner of software is available to resolve these issues at
little or no cost. Stop being a crybaby, do a little research, download
a program and get on to some issue that matters.
Asshole.- Hide quoted text -
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Like little minded people playing with handguns, or some such.