Another repub bites the dust
Boater wrote:
jim wrote:
Boater wrote:
Bob Eld wrote:
"Cliff" wrote in message
One less repub Senator I think.
Sen. Ted Stevens (Alaska) guilty on all counts.
They seem to be just giving their seats away ....
Yep, it sounds like Ted Stevens is down the tubes...a series of tubes!
You don't think the Alaskan Republicans will vote him back into
office, pending his appeal? I wouldn't bet against that.
Sarah is still governor, isn't she. She wouldn't allow it, you stupid
old fool. need to read the Constitution of the United States,
schitt-for-brains. Stevens is still on the ballot and can remain there
if he pleases, and the voters of Alaska can re-elect him if they please.
It is a federal election. The lipsticked pig can *say* whatever she wants.
She took him down before. She would do it again.