Engine/prop shaft alignment
On Oct 27, 4:12 pm, "mmc" wrote:
wrote in message
Got the output shaft on my 13 hp diesel and prop shaft aligned on my
sailboat. I could not align them using the up/down adjustments on the
engine mounts because the entire engine needed to be rotated to port
by 1/4" (at front of engine). So, I finally removed all but one mount
to stringer bolt leaving one at the rear and then was able to lever
engine into near alignment then used up/down motion on mounts to get
the rest. Unfortunately, I now have to redrill the holes into the
stringers for the lag screws that hold the mounts but I filled the old
holes with epoxy and will do the holes and screws next weekend. I do
not not know why it got misaligned because when I installed the engine
4 years ago I aligned it well. The mounts were new then and maybe
they have sagged. The old engine mounts that were 21 years old had
sagged so much that they were useless.
Club had a regatta this weekend and it nearly killed me not to sail
because it was beautiful. Instead, I took the Tolman out and motored
around while a passenger took pics of the race.
Getting closer!
Really, there were only two options:
1 Ignore it, which was not really an option
2. Fix it, which was never too complicated.
I did not see any half measures that had any hope of working.
Fortunately, I have good access to the engine.