On Oct 29, 2:17*am, Dennis wrote:
Andrew Swallow wrote:
I found this site with 12 gage pepper shells for loading into a hand
held flare gun:
This would avoid buying a "real" gun for defending ones sailboat
from pirates. *Thoughts?
Modern pirates use RPG launchers. *You have to match fire power.
* * * * So bring an RPG launcer yourself. *Better yet, how about a MILAN or
Sagger anti-tank missile? *You could *out*-gun them that way! *
* * * * Can you adapt a Stinger missile or *SAM-7 for surface-to-surface use? *
You'd have even more range and flexibility that way. *
Sinking their boat will tend to deter future raids.
* * * * Hanging them from the yardarm would be even more fun, though. *
Drop a piano on them. They don't pay the crews of the ships captured
to defend the ship. Hanging is a very personal method of killing.
There is a reason hangmen do not show their faces.