On Oct 29, 9:23*am, wrote:
On Oct 29, 7:32*am, "SmallBoats.com"
For those of you who enjoy watching The Mouse work here, it
really is her whole life. For those following, she is working real
hard on her technique. In this video you can see her playing with one
of her friends from the track. Tyler rides a pretty quick blue 85...
He swears his bike is faster than the KX, but I doubt it. He is quick
though, and pretty much fearless. He technique is not great but for a 6
month rider, he is doing pretty well. So, anyway, The Mouse is
standing more and trying to stay up front on the bike:
It's a long file, 53 megs so be patient.
Rowdy Mouse Racing, ride like you just found your stolen bike.
Good, I noticed before, she needs to get off of the seat. Use the legs
as shock absorbers.
Yeah, she is working on it.. It's not easy here as you will see. I
laugh at Harry thinking he would carry his fat little ass more than 10
feet on this track, much less keep up with The Mouse. Many times track
conditions don't show from my filming point of view so I took some
shots the other day at what the track looks like up close, in some of
the tougher sections. Here they a
This is the corner right off the tabletop seen in many of the views.
Here is the straight right after that corner
Here is the next big corner after the rhythm section.
Further down that same straight.
Here is the setup for the 105' jump. You can see in many of these
shots, there is just no way around these ruts but to lean back, and
nail it...
Harry couldn't walk his fat ass around this track, much less ride it.
He is just ****ed because he has nothing to talk about and lately even
his made up stories have been shot full of holes. Did you see the pics
of his "new bicycle" at the other place.. Crap, he bought a bike from
some pimple faced punk who told him the seat height should be relative
to the ground, not the pedals ??? What a joke.
Anyway, The Mouse is working real hard and we have made some major
changes to the suspension in the last day or two. We are learning to
communicate setup and drivability issues so I can make further
adjustments. She had a pretty hard crash last week and we had to get
her a new helmet, the best investment we made lately however was the
Leatt brace (
http://www.leatt-brace.com/index.php?page_id=14&id=3 )
it really does a great job. We put ona pair of Tag Metals T2 bars too,
which brought her grips up another inch and moved them forward for
more spread and leverage in the turns. Today I have an appointment to
talk to a suspension expert who is going to walk me through some more
fine tuning.
Don't worry about the fat guy though, everyone knows he know nothing
but what the faxed talking points tell him, secluded in his Walmart
furnished computer room.
Rowdy Mouse Racing, we drive faster when we are ****ed off...