Don White wrote:
"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message ...
Interesting morning so far. It occurred to me, after listening to a
discussion about taxes on CNBC on my Sirius radio while out and about,
that it would be an interesting exercise to total up the amount of
taxes I paid this morning.
25 gallons of gas for the truck - combined state/federal taxes -
.42¢/gal equals $10.50. (25 gallons @2.54/gal - $63.50).
Two $10 cigars - combined state/federal tobacco taxes - $3.
State sales taxe on cigars - $1.20
Extra large French vanilla iced coffee, light with one Splenda - .21¢.
Multi-grain bagel - $1.21 for .07¢
$39.95 oil change - $2.40.
Air Filter - $9 for .54¢
Tire rotation - $6/tire for $1.44
So far, total expenditures - $160.66
Total taxes paid - $19.36 representing 12% of total expenditures.
Can't wait to see what I'm paying in quarterly state/federal taxes
today - that should be fun. :)
You're getting off 'dirt cheap' on the gasoline taxes. note: our self
serve regular is now $1.02 per liter
Buy larger quantities and get the volume discount. By the gallon it's
about $2.50 (Big grin)