So, when is George W. Bush...
Boater wrote:
...going to warm up a few huge public crowds for the candidate of his
party, John McPalin?
Haven't seen much of Bush out stumping for McPalin. Dunno why not...he
sure as hell isn't occupied doing anything else.
Where are you, Dubya?
People like you obama, and in wall street advisers have made it
impossible for John McCain to use President Bush as a reference, because
everything President Bush has done has been spun in a negative light.
We can thank President Bush for being there when we need a person with
common sense.
His common sense was there for 911. Can you imagine gore's response.
"That was bad, don't do that again. By blowing up those buildings you
created a lot of carbon dioxide that is destroying the earth"
He was there for New Orleans. The governments in the area refused to
admit they had a problem and ask for assistance from the Federal
government. You blamed President Bush for not responding fast enough. It
is the law that the federal government can not come into the state
without their permission. 150 years ago, we fought a war over states
He realized what was necessary to lower gas prices. He remove the ban
placed in effect by bill clinton and the price of oil drop from over
140/br to less that 70/br.
He realized what was necessary in the current financial crisis and again
did the right thing. The democrats in congress, tried to do not
anything as usual, and the crisis got worse. Now they have supported
President Bush, the market is starting to respond.