Barry and Harry peas in a pod
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:47:33 -0400, "Eisboch" wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
Jim wrote:
Boater wrote:
Jim wrote:
Boater wrote:
Jim wrote:
Here is a topic that is near and dear to Harry N Krause's heart.
I find it both fascinating and a bit scary that pondscum like you and
several others here are so obsessed with me.
Get a life, schitthead. Maybe you can re-up in the Navy and hand out
soap in the showers again.
You aren't afraid of me. You are afraid of the truth.
No reason to be fascinated either. We are just having fun with your
bizarre viewpoints, of which there seems to be an endless stream, day
after day. You are the fooze ball of IOW The new Skipper.
Of course I'm not afraid of *you* but I find your core beliefs
frightening for America. You're just a washed-up old fart whose "heyday"
was nearly 40 years ago in Vietnam. You haven't schitt since.
Why are you afraid of my core beliefs? Are you afraid of your shadow too?
Your core beliefs are destroying this country.
How the hell are 40-50 year old core beliefs, many subscribed to by people
like Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and even ol' Ronny Wrinkles himself
"destroying" this country?
Those of us with "old fashioned" core beliefs aren't changing.
Something else is.
Your core beliefs have nothing to do with what's been co-opted by
clever people who've bent conservative language and phrases to suit
their far-from-conservative goals.
What's sold as conservative by Republicans certainly is not, unless
you're an evangelical "values" voter. Otherwise, the Bush
Administration could only be defined as radical.