A scary video for the election
"Canuck57" wrote in message
"D.Duck" wrote in message
"Canuck57" wrote in message
"Boater" wrote in message
Canuck57 wrote:
Depression should be the real concern
as I see real signs of a depression.
Perhaps you can find a therapist who will write you a script for the
proper medication.
My prescription would be debtors have to pay or else. It isn't going to
be the "rich" that hurt, it is going to be the over his head idiot not
paying their mortgage because Obama says it is OK to do so. Those
suckers are destined to be poor and will always be poor one way or
another. They should ask if they want to be unemployed.
I am not depressed, I am making money off of this once and a lifetime
opportunity as I have cash and no debt. I look at this with amusement
waiting for a real bottom. And believe it or not, I make most of my
investments outside of the USA. The reason is simple, until the
government takes the correct action the USA is not the best place to be
as an investor.
I look for the market to drop 1000 points on Obama getting elected.
Which reminds me to read up on shorts.
How dare you invest in the corrupt securities market. 8)
LoL. While everyone is ****ing in their shorts I am taking advantage of
I'm right with you. We'll just have to accept the wrath of those here that
believe it's despicable.