"Don White" wrote in message
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Don White" wrote in message
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
What happened to self reliance?
He's going to owe a lot of people.
Common sense says that taxes will have to increase.. especially for
those earning over the average salary.
You've got that expensive war going that has to be paid for, the big
bailout of the financial sector, and now a lot of people who figure it's
their time in the sun.
No sense crying about it.
You are not very perceptive. Maybe why you are a follower. Was not
really a diatribe against Obama, but a comment on the people who have
really gone for the gimme attitude. "We take care of him, he takes care
of us." Was a statement on when Democracy fails by someone, whose name
fails me at the moment, that it fails when basically the people find they
can vote themselves more goodies than they earned. And that video is a
prime example.
Did you not understand the comment... "No sense crying about it"?
Yup, you have neither common sense or a heart.