On Thu, 30 Oct 2008 12:04:16 -0400, BAR wrote:
Boater wrote:
On Oct 29, 2:30 pm, Boater wrote:
Uh-huh. The McCain rally I attended was well behaved. The MSM just
won't show the stuff that goes on at Nobama rallies... don't want to
hurt their boy, ya know.
I'm sure there are people of color at Hussein's rallies. I'm also
sure that there are whites at McCain's rallies. So? Why would you
make that distinction... are you saying that "people of color" are
racists, and are making their choice based on skin color?
The only thing that's working for the McPalin campaign is the daily
inciting of rage, fear and hatred among the easily-led gomers at their
rallies. McCain and Palin are doing a terrific job spewing out the
really evil and divisive stuff.
I detect a quite a bit of fear in your tone over the past week and a
half. Has the Obama/Biden campaign run into a problem with their
ascendancy to ruling the world?
You're really right on the edge there with your hatred of the
possibility of a black president...hope it happens and it gives you a
Race has nothing to do with it. It is all about ideology. It is you, the
Democrats, who can't get past race and gender.
I had a Condi in '08 sticker on my truck last year. I heard a hell of
a lot of cursing from Democrats about that "Black bitch"
As you said...the Dems are stuck AS racists
Whenever a Liberal utters the term "Common Sense approach"....grab your
wallet, your ass, and your guns because the sombitch is about to do
something damned nasty to all three of them.