How many people call B.S............................................... ....
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 08:45:00 -0400, Boater wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
wrote in message
On Harry's claim that as a citizen, he was hired by a general to go to
Vietnam and pick up bodies?
I don't know the details, but there *was* a civilian service doing exactly
that during the Vietnam war.
It was the DIA, run at that time by Gen. Joe Carroll, the guy for whom I
worked. For a period of time, my job was to help locate KIAs and some
MIAs. We didn't pick up bodies. We located them. This was not the
civilian job for which I was recruited, but that job was eliminated.
Conveniently dead.
A Harry Krause truism:
"It's not a *baby* kicking, beautiful bride, it's just a fetus!"
[A Narcissistic Hypocrite]