Makin my vote count
Boater wrote:
BAR wrote:
Boater wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
McCain is running the dirtiest campaign since Nixon's CREEP. That
is not the fault of Obama or his ability to raise campaign funds.
You keep saying that, yet many of your contemporaries, like Chris
Mathews, are expressing amazement that McCain didn't get down and
dirty with Obama, particularly on the Rev. Wright issue.
No, McCain didn't run a particularly dirty campaign. Some of his
supporters in isolated areas did some stupid things, but so did
Obama's. Neither have leashes on everyone.
You have the habit and style of repeating things over and over until
they become facts in your mind. So do many of the third string
You're not living in a contested state or next to one. I do. I see
lots of McCain television commercials you do not. All McCain does is
attack-attack-attack. Dirty.
Harry your view of McCain is through a tinted lens. I see the same ads
that you do and you believe that stating the truth about your party's
candidate is an attack. You truly are a partisan hack.
The point is, my dim-witted friend, is that *all* McCain has to sell is
attack. He's got no plans, no proposals, no ideas, no vision, no view of
how we can make America better. All he seems to be able to do is sell
fear-doubt-smear. That works on the Republican base, I suppose.
I'm still waiting to hear more about the "plan" McCain often mentions to
"get Osama bin Laden." If he isn't elected, will he *then* share that
plan with the elected leaders of this country?
McCain thought his history as a P.O.W. would be enough to get him
elected. You know what? It was more than 30 years ago and it isn't
particularly relevant. It's not like JFK's PT-109 adventures. McCain is
no JFK.
Obama seems to have done well with his "chicken in every pot theme" Too
bad for McCain that he couldn't stooop that low to trick the pooor and