Boater wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message
I don't know of one reason why the Obama campaign should expend
energy to satisfy the curiosity of those who would not vote for him
under any circumstances. If some rightie has *proof* Obama was not
born in Hawaii, let him come forward with it. Proof, mind you, not
Isn't that cavalier attitude representative of the complaints many
have of GWB?
The guy is soliciting votes to be elected POTUS. To request
documentation proving his Constitutional eligibility to hold that
office isn't asking much and should be done as a matter of course in a
basic background check. Obama did not respond, causing some
legitimate questions. Even his family members have offered
conflicting accounts of his place of birth. Add to that his refusal
to release college records and transcripts further begs questions.
It is my understanding that the "birth certificate" electronically
posted on the Obama website is suspect by many experts. Why not
produce and submit a certified original or copy to a judge?
Instead of coming clean, Obama, via the DNC, has used the court
system to dismiss a lawsuit demanding these documents. That's scary
to me. The liberal media has put this issue in a filing cabinet,
preferring to focus more on proving that Sarah Palin can't see Russia
from her house.
I just want some honesty. At least McCain has released all requested
documents, warts and all.
Again, to me, it's the sum of the details about Obama that leaves me
questioning who the heck he really is.
Once again, unless it is legally required, I see no reason to satisfy
the curiosity of those who will not be voting for Obama, no matter what.
There is no Constitutional requirement to provide the documentation you
There is a Constitutional requirement to be a natural born citizen of
the US of A to be the President. Therefore there is an implied
requirement that you provide proof that you meet the requirement.
Beyond this discussion, the "born in the USA" requirement is a stupid
one, anyway. Any citizen, born here or naturalized, should be allowed to
seek this nation's highest elected offices. A lot of voters at one time
wanted to see "the Arnold" run for the nomination but, of course, he
could not because of an "accident" of birth. No one questions his
loyalty and devotion to this country. I wouldn't have voted for the guy,
but I sure would have supported measures to make it possible for him to
If you feel that way there is a method to get the Constitution changed.
Let us know how you make out. Or, are you just passing gas orally again.