(Crossposted to Chuck's Place)
Last weekend we took our guests from Holland to Parsons, West Virginia, for
a few days of camping and visiting the area. The day before we left, the
forecast for Elkins, a nearby town, was for 6 inches of snow, so we had
some misgivings about the trip. But all went well.
The campground was the Five Rivers Campground, only $20 a night, but with
nice hot showers and clean facilities. It was also one of the few that had
not shut off the water and power for the winter.
Someone wanted a picture of the flag holder I made, so here it is:
One of the side trips we took was to Blackwater Falls. The Monongahela
National Forest is absolutely beautiful, and getting to the Falls provided
some great scenery:
The Falls themselves were not the highest in the world, but were well worth
the 200 plus, snow covered steps to get to:
On the way back to the campground, my wife yelled, "Look, a deer!" So I
stopped and grabbed a picture of the little guy.
We *almost* took an excursion by train, but the trip would have taken the
whole day, so we postponed that until next time. The train had a great
engine though!
Instead of the train ride, we visited Seneca Rocks and took a stroll up the
hill to the base of the outcrop. Some climbers were about 50 feet from the
top, but were stopped - maybe for lunch. They don't show up in the picture
I took on the way back down. There have been 15 climbers killed trying to
climb Seneca Rocks.
After the rocks, we decided to visit the 'highest point in West Virginia' -
Spruce Knob. This mountain is only about 4300 feet high, but provided a
great experience in road climbing with the 4Runner. The pavement narrowed
to one lane shortly after turning off the highway, then became snow and ice
covered, and finally turned to snow and ice covered gravel near the top. It
remained a pot hole filled gravel road all the way down the other side.
Here is a view from a wide spot in the road just about a mile from the top.
The road visible in the bottom of the picture is the one on which we were
I know there are some folks here who are into the collection of old,
classic cars, so I took the next picture with them in mind. For some
reason, Loogy (if you're watching), this looked like something you'd
That's all folks! Hope you enjoyed something a bit different.
A Harry Krause truism:
"It's not a *baby* kicking, beautiful bride, it's just a fetus!"
[A Narcissistic Hypocrite]