Boater wrote:
BAR wrote:
Boater wrote:
BAR wrote:
Boater wrote:
BAR wrote:
There is no Constitutional requirement to provide the
documentation you want.
There is a Constitutional requirement to be a natural born citizen
of the US of A to be the President. Therefore there is an implied
requirement that you provide proof that you meet the requirement.
There is, eh? Got cites?
Article II, Section 1.
Wrong, Palin-breath. There's not a word in there about providing proof.
Further, there are questions over the term "natural born." George
Romney, for example, sought his party's nomination in 1968. He was a
citizen of the United States born abroad (in Mexico). Lowell Weicker,
a U.S. Senator from my home state, made a brief run for the
nomination in 1980. He was a born abroad, too.
What's your point? Article II, Section 1 states the requirement.
Implicit in the requirement is providing proof. You can parse the
words any way you want.
Yeah? Please provide us with a list of those Presidents who have
provided "proof."
Wouldn't it be easier if you provided a list of the presidents who
couldn't or wouldn't provide proof of natural US citizenship? I'm having
a hard time thinking of any right now.