Why mcain might win...
On Mon, 3 Nov 2008 20:34:38 -0500, "vinny" wrote:
"Gunner Asch" wrote in message
.. .
On Sun, 2 Nov 2008 17:38:08 -0800, "Janes" wrote:
George Bush is the person in whom the Right placed its blind faith, the
they glorified and held up as the ultimate standard-bearer of what they
believe in. And now he -- and they -- lay in shambles and disgrace. No
matter what metric one uses, it's difficult to overstate what a profound
failure the Bush presidency is, and everyone -- including Bush -- knows
that. The most important aspect of this Tuesday's election is to
their humiliating repudiation and to bury them for what they've done.
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and they all stink.
Yours included.
Particularly your opinions.
I never liked Bush, any of em, but....People gotta admit...nobody ****s
with us anymore.
Freedom Fries anyone?
The economy that is supposedly "so bad" should of crashed years ago. I
think his stimulus, tax cuts and war actually prolonged what was inevitable.
He prolonged it for almost 8 years.
You was raped.
Interest rates are at all time lows...
No reason to save or invest, eh?
unemployment has been held steady
for eight years.
About a million lost jobs recently & it's just
starting ...
Home ownership is at an all time high?
Like forclosures?
High school graduation is higher than in 30 years.
At record lows IIRC.
The air is cleaner than anytime in my lifetime.
Except where bush has been. You can thank the dems
for the rest.
As far as Katrina, I think the president did just fine,
He had to take a few days off from his vacation after
a bit.
its louisianna that
failed lousianna.
Great job Brownie, eh?
The war in iraq has been bull****...but hey...there's no weopons of mass
destruction in the desert
Nor were there.
and we are now poised to deal with arabs with
nukes should that happen.
When the oil runs out we will be 10 times more
ready to deal.
Liberal congresss, liberal president, appointing liberal judges.
Good grief. Are we in for it or what.
Compared to lying wingers?