Obama and your Wallet
On Sat, 08 Nov 2008 12:46:39 -0800, pyotr filipivich
[Default] I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that
Gunner reported Elvis on Sat, 08 Nov
2008 01:13:34 -0800 in misc.survivalism :
On Fri, 7 Nov 2008 11:48:15 -0800, "Lamont Cranston"
Matt Stawicki wrote:
On Thu, 06 Nov 2008 20:05:48 -0800, Curly Surmudgeon
Interesting coming into this newsgroup after a few days
away and watching the comments. I notice a distinct absence of
the right wing wackos. Let us hope their heads exploded and can
never bring another Bush into office.
That's mostly because you guys haven't been posting any of
your drivel that we feel the need to refute.
But just so you aren't dissapointed:-)
What President Obama Means to Your Wallet
There will be more money in it because your tax bill will
drop and your income, unlike what happened during the last 8
years, will increase in real terms. Voodoo economics is
dead and buried. If you make over $250,000, your taxes will
increase to the level that they were under Bill Clinton
during those 8 years of prosperity.
The Clinton administration that rode the Reagan economy into power,
and went out in a recession?
I wonder if Democrats have any clue as to who hires the "little
people" who don't make lots of money. Do they understand that when
Mrs Gotrocks does "a little landscaping", she hires someone to do the
Do they understand that it is the "rich" who hire the little one
or two person outfits to do the home decorating, cater the party, or
sit with their pet and watch their TV shows wit the pet (because
the"rich" are too busy making money for a home life)?
I'm certain they have no recollection of what happened when they
passed a "luxury" tax on yachts. How the thousands of $30,000 a year
jobs disappeared, and the boat yards closed. Because the people who
would buy a luxury yacht, could take their business to Canada.
Maybe the problem is that Democrats have more money than they know
what to do with, and are projecting their own situation on others. So
the only solution they can think of is to raise taxes because they're
idiots who have no idea what to do with all that excess money.
If only they could raise taxes on themselves, and leave the rest
of us alone.
"Let them eat cake!"
6 points!