On Sat, 08 Nov 2008 17:20:08 -0800, John R. Carroll wrote:
"rand mair fheal" wrote in message
In article ,
"Kadaitcha Man" wrote:
Matt Stawicki, ye raw-boned simple clown, a huge translation of
hypocrisy, vilely compiled, profoundly stupid, ye drawled:
No bigotry intended, implied or stated. Facts are facts. CA spends
millions providing health care for illegal Mexicans. They even come
over the border to get free medical care, then go back!
But you wouldn't if you were a poor Mexican peasant, right?
the claim is nonsensical
people dont freely stroll across the border hospitals dont check
citizenship or immigration status of patients
and the people who get hit the worst are like po widdle matty middle
class home owners who lost their coverage when they lost their job or
the employer drop coverage and a preexisting condition locks them out of
they then choose between dying
or watching their entire middle class property seized to pay bills
leaving them destitute but as uncollectable as they are uncoverable
Sounds like free market capitalism to me. What's his complaint?
Is it that he can't pay because his services aren't in demand? Tough luck.
Not speaking for others but my compliant with health costs are health
costs. Artificially inflated by governmetnally sanctioned monopolies,
unnecessary regulations, monopolized drugs all generate usary costs.
Escaping poverty inducing health care isn't a crime.
Regards, Curly
Now it's time for War Crime Trials at the Hague for Bush/Cheney
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