Why mcain might win...
"Curly Surmudgeon" wrote in message
. ..
On Sun, 09 Nov 2008 04:33:16 -0500, Ed Huntress wrote:
"John R. Carroll" wrote in message
"Ed Huntress" wrote in message
I'm cautious about your position on prosecuting top elected officials in
the executive branch. I recognize your point about being a nation of
but prosecuting them would raise a bigger issue, which is how the three
branches of government are related in terms of authority. They get along
because Thomas Jefferson, in the Marbury case, decided they had to get
along by reasonable agreement. As it works now we have a uniquely
effective balance of powers. Create a big constitutional dust-up, and
could open the gates of hell.
While I'd hate to see it used, if all else fails we still have the 2nd
Amendment. Let's try the courts first.
Regards, Curly
Fine. If you're physically threatened, or if you're actually threatened by
tyrany, go for it. But we're talking here about punishing an administration
that's leaving office. If your idea of the appropriate use of the 2nd is to
act as jury and executioner in a criminal trial after the fact, you'll find
yourself on the muzzle end of the gun barrel.
Ed Huntress