Obama and your Wallet - Was: What is 200 + 77? Answer: President Obama
On Sat, 08 Nov 2008 23:48:28 GMT, "Kadaitcha Man"
Matt Stawicki, ye raw-boned simple clown, a huge translation of
hypocrisy, vilely compiled, profoundly stupid, ye drawled:
No bigotry intended, implied or stated. Facts are facts. CA spends
millions providing health care for illegal Mexicans. They even come
over the border to get free medical care, then go back!
But you wouldn't if you were a poor Mexican peasant, right?
High-tech hospital emergency units degenerated into local free medical
offices. In California, for instance, between 1993 and 2003, 60
hospitals closed because of over 50% of unpaid services, and another
24 California hospitals closed in 2004. Even ambulances from Mexico
come to Emergency Rooms with indigents because the drivers know that
EMTALA requires accepting patients who come within 250 yards of a
hospital. That geographic limit has figured in many lawsuits.[11],[12]