Obama and your Wallet
[Default] I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that
"Sid9" reported Elvis on Sat, 8 Nov 2008
16:13:06 -0500 in misc.survivalism :
Mrs. Gotrocks GM stock can't pay her **** in
dividends if the little people can't buy cars and
So the thing to do is ... um tax GM Corp and Mrs Gottrocks so that
the government has the money, rather than letting her spend it
frivolously. Like hiring the "little people" to watch her cat watch
TV. Or do landscaping. Or the interior design. Or replace the
What I also find "amusing" is the presumption that only The Rich
get stock dividends. More evidence that the left remains clueless as
to how the economy really works.
But hey, no that The One has been selected, Global warming will
end and we're all going to be rich. Or "the Rich". You know, those
on whom the increase in taxes will only fall.
Henry Ford understood it.
FDR understood it.
Both fascists. and both in favor of a command economy too. Not to
mention stifling those who would object to their benevolence.
pyotr filipivich
Next month's Panel: Graft - Boon or blessing?