Thread: Power
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"Danny" wrote in message
My NG id is also Danny. This diatribe by "danny" in no way reflects my

on the topic. In fact, I have no ideas on the topic but didn't want anyone
to think that I suddenly knew something. This poser is simply another

and not me.
the other Danny

"danny" wrote in message
The question of what power has been raised recently, petrol, diesel.
electric, the latter brings into question from what source,

cover the boat with photo electric cells, the latter could form part of

construction, then there are fuel cells these are well on their way and

believe attain 80% efficiency compared with IC. which run at anything

20% to say 35%, new developments regard photo electric and maybe a bit

hype say they can start producing cells that are 30% efficient then 25%
would be good.
Electric powering must be efficient and practical, so the present lead
batteries are a bit of a problem, the weight to power ratio and the

recharge the batteries, yes weight in a yacht can be put to advantage if
incorporated into the design.
New battery idea's are on stream, the present batteries in use now like

cads excetra present a short vulnerable life span and are expensive for

small storage they give, though very light, the newer batteries may

be based on capacitive type storage these will be light and need no
maintenance, these are already in use for smoothing out the grid

Flexible photoelectric cells could be a reality soon, their working on

so we could be using real solar sails generating
electricity for a range of items like fridge, microwave and power the
electric motor to saildrive the boat.


What are you some sort of plonker, are idea's thoughts beyond may be
yesterday beyond you, get stuffed danny your a prick sorry pricks he's not
that useful.
Danny [ the one]