Hopefuly one of the outboard mechanics will respond here. I suspect
that due to the age of that outboard and the fact that it's a Johnson,
you'll need a tach that you can set for 6 pulses per revolution. I
believe this cooresponds to a 12 pole alternator count. I have a '77
55hp that I needed a tach that I could set to the 6 pulses. My
brother's 100hp which is a bit older has the same setup.
Paul Browne wrote:
First of all, thanks very much for replying!
Yes, I saw in my wiring diagram that there is indeed a gray wire marked tach
lead...does that mean that I connect the wire that is supposed to go to the
alternator to that one? And I keep reading about alternator pole count...how
would I set that up?
"IBNFSHN" wrote in message
Outboard tachs connect to one of the leads from the stator. Usually a gray
Chesapeake, Va
"Paul Browne" wrote in message
I'm trying to put a tach on my '79 50hp Johnson (which has no
and all I seem to be able to find are tachs that require an alternator
hookup. Does anyone know if it's possible to modify one of those to work
me, or know of a tach (other than the TinyTach clipon, I want a dash
gauge) that will work? Any help/tips are greatly appreciated.