Any pactor users here ?
Thanks Larry,
I'm convinced, using the soundcard option permits me to use Digipan
for psk.
I would like to make the soundcard-connection via the back
on my IC718, leaving the pactor-caonnections intact.
Can you give me a hint here? Any schematic that you know of?
When in cw I can choose either "Break in" = SE or FL. When SE the
relays are only operated
at keypressed and at keyreleased. When in FL the relays are clicking
at every seperate dot and dash.
I guess SE is less demanding on the relays but is there a downside to
Len PA2Q.
On 22 nov, 02:15, Larry wrote:
Dispite ham radio's LOVE of extra little boxes with fancy names, you don't
need any of that to operate PSK or CW. *PSK comes directly from your
computer soundcard ready for insertion into the microphone jack of your
Icom. *You don't need any "keying" circuitry, like you do on Pactor
kerchunking along wearing out the relays. *All you need is a simple 10K
volume control pot to reduce the audio level from the soundcard output down
to a few millivolts if you use the mic jack to keep from overdriving
it....a 10 minute hookup. *Just plug the sound card's line input into the
headphone jack on the radio to receive. *You can key the radio manually
from the front panel for simplicity.
If the radio has a VOX circuit, set the delay time to zero and the
sensitivity to less sensitive than normal for voice so it doesn't key up on *
any noise unnecessarily while receiving. *The constant FSK tone will easily
hold the VOX circuit keyed during your transmission times.
For CW you need a pair of headphones and a KEY!
73 DE W4CSC.....since 1957 with various calls...