Any pactor users here ?
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Any pactor users here ?
Len wrote in news:88ff97b1-a19d-4672-bb6d-
Thanks Larry,
I'm convinced, using the soundcard option permits me to use Digipan
for psk.
I would like to make the soundcard-connection via the back
on my IC718, leaving the pactor-caonnections intact.
Can you give me a hint here? Any schematic that you know of?
When in cw I can choose either "Break in" = SE or FL. When SE the
relays are only operated
at keypressed and at keyreleased. When in FL the relays are clicking
at every seperate dot and dash.
I guess SE is less demanding on the relays but is there a downside to
Len PA2Q.
Look on page 2 of your INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Pin 11 and 12 are the audio
input and detector output, but I doubt the audio applied to pin 11 will key
the VOX to automate the transmit Maybe you'd be better off hooking the
Pactor to pins 11, 12, 3 and ground (1) as it has to key so much. then,
hook the soundcard to the mic jack where it can control the VOX without an
extra expensive box for PSK.
When on PSK, turn your power down to 10-20 watts to keep from swamping all
the other people using PSK very nearby. Most PSK stations are only running
10 watts! Be careful not to overmodulate the radio as that makes lots of
unwanted sidebands, instead of just the two tones/two carriers of pure psk.
I haven't operated PSK in years but it was great fun working DX with no
power when you could barely tell he was there.
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