So I go to the local SS offfice
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:24:02 -0500, "Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq."
Jim wrote:
I'm beginning to think Harry made this up. All of it. Who do you think
he is trying to impress?
Do you think?
I saw where Harry gave you the heads up that someone threatening to post
your name and address in Usenet. I hope you haven't had any negative
repercussions from your personal information being posted on the
internet. Maybe if you send an email to the person and beg for
forgiveness he may not make the post.
Seems like Harry made that one up also. He wasn't able to post or forward
the 'alleged email'.
A Harry Krause truism:
"It's not a *baby* kicking, beautiful bride, it's just a fetus!"